Could Invisalign® give you the straight smile you desire? Did you know that Invisalign orthodontic aligners are metal-free and capable of straightening your smile to the ideal design you desire? Even if you have had an orthodontic alignment in the past, it may be possible for Invisalign to help fix any relapses in the alignment of your smile, and return your straight smile once more. For a basic summary of potential options, take the following quiz concerning caring for your orthodontic treatments:
What materials are used to design Invisalign aligners?
a.) Metal wires and brackets
b.) A patented thermoplastic material
c.) Ceramic and resin materials
d.) Wood
True or False: Due to the materials involved and the remarkable features they possess, Invisalign aligners can be removed, thus ensuring no food restrictions are needed.
a.) True
b.) False
True or False: Invisalign aligners lack solid colors.
a.) True
b.) False
Why try Invisalign?
a.) They are clear aligners.
b.) They can straighten teeth and make cleaning your smiles easier.
c.) They can lower your risk for tooth decay and gum disease.
d.) All of the above
Answer Key: b, a, a, d
If you think you have a smile that is out of alignment, please call Liang Orthodontics so we can get you in to see Dr. Christopher Liang and our team as soon as possible. Our orthodontic office is located in Washington, DC, and we can be reached at 202-966-7711. We look forward to seeing you smile bright this season.